How to create a Hotel Map

How to create a Hotel Map

Show hotels on an interactive map

In this article:
1. How to create a map 
2. Common questions

How to create a Map

1. Navigate to 
2. Click Create New Map 
3. Select / enter the following (all these are mandatory fields): 
      a. Select the CID 
      b. Enter the event or location name 
      c. Enter the location / address where event is happening (a pin will be placed on the map at this location)  
      d. Select the language (this is the language in which text will be displayed in the map and  accompanying search box) 
      e. Select currency for price display (for properties listed on the map) 

4. Customize the accompanying search box options 
      a. Select a default city to be displayed in search box (mandatory) 
      b. Change default check-in / check-out date to be displayed in search box as desired (optional but recommended)
      c. Number of rooms, adults and children (default is 1,2,0). (optional) 
      d. Search radius – Distance in km around the event location within which the properties must lie (default = 5km). (optional)

5. See the preview on the right side. 
      a. Choose the platform to see how map would appear in that (desktop, tablet, mobile)

6. Click Generate to create the script which can be implemented on partner’s side.

Common questions

Is the feature fully responsive? 
Yes, the map feature is fully responsive and will automatically render the appropriate version based on container size.

Can I dynamically pass parameters from outside?
Yes. In the generated script, set – isOverideConf to ‘true’ and then all the following parameters can be dynamically modified.

{ checkIn: 'yyyy-mm-dd',checkOut: 'yyyy-mm-dd',language: ‘<locale_code>',currency: '<currency_code>',searchRadius: <int_value>,cid: <cid_value>,latitude: <xx.xx>,longitude: <yy.yy>,destination: ‘<city_name>’,isOverideConf: true,city: <city_id>,numberOfChildren: <int_value>,numberOfAdult: <int_value>,numberOfRoom: <int_value>,crt: '<crt_value>',ver: 1}

Where can I get city id and other information?
Please use of hotel data file to get all relevant information (

Can I customize how many hotels are displayed on the map at a time?
Not currently. Up to 10 properties are displayed as of now.

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