

Reports provide you with booking information on various data types. The period of your reports are customizable, and  your datasets can be exported in a single click.  

In this article:
1. Report Types
2. How to Generate and Export a Report
3. Invoice
4.  Common questions

Report Types

Reports can be generated from 3 different data types, based on the date type you choose.
Report Type Explanation
Booking Date
to show the number of bookings created in your selected period
Departure Date
to show the completed booking(s), departed booking(s), in you selected period
Payment Date
to show estimated commission in your selected period
(* Only departed bookings are eligible for commission payments)

How to Generate and Export a Report

  1. Go to the reporting tab
  2. Choose your report "date type"
  3. Select the period of report
  4. Click "Generate", the report summary will be shown with details
  5. Click "Export" and select your preferred file type
    Ref Image

    *** Booking Amount is the total amount accumulating since your affiliate account has been approved, while Affiliate Commission is the amount of commission you earn in the selected month.

Commission Report
To generate a current month commission report, you have to choose payment date as your r eport date type and select the entire one month in advance.

For example
To see every completed booking that generated commission in July 2021, please select payment period as 1-31 August 2021.
The report will consist of pay-at-Agoda departed bookings in July 2021 and pay-at-hotel departed bookings in June 2021.


We  provide you with the accessibility of your payment invoices for reference and record. Y ou can download them directly from Reports -> Invoice

Common questions

How long does a booking take to be reflected on a report?
The booking will take up to 24hr to be shown as the report is updated daily. 

Why am I only able to download some invoice?
As for the multiple invoices under your account, these are just invoice numbers that get automatically generated each month.  You will only be able to download the invoice once you reach the payment threshold of $200 in commission.

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