Let users search directly from your site
The search box is our highest converting integration tool and is used by many of our top partners. It allows travelers to begin searching hotels directly from your site and can be integrated by simply copying and pasting the code into your website. They are then directed to the relevant agoda.com page where search results are displayed and where the user can complete their booking.
In this article:
1. Create a Search Box
2. Common questions
Create a Search Box
Click on Create New Search Box
Select CID and Enter the description for the search box (this is text that will help you remember the purpose for which you wanted to create the search box later)
Customize your Search Box by selecting the default language and the city/property to be shown as placeholder text in the Search bar.
Further customize with different layouts, sizes dates, and texts.
Once satisfied, click ‘Generate’. A script will appear which you can then implement on your site.
Common questions
1) Is the widget fully responsive?
The Search Box widget is not fully responsive. Please customize the size to suit your website before generating the search box.
2) Can I dynamically pass parameters from outside?
Only destination can be dynamically modified by setting – stg.OverideConf to ‘true’. Dates can not be dynamically modified.